When You Should Contact the Birth Suite
Do not hesitate to call the hospital for advice at any time.
Before coming to the hospital please telephone the Birth Suite on 8837 9187 and a Midwife will advise you as to whether, or when, you need to come in. The Midwife will liaise with your Obstetrician regarding your care.
How do I know if I am in labour?
It can be confusing trying to determine if your labour has started. If you’re not sure or you are concerned, call the Birth Suite. Sometimes just talking through your symptoms helps you relax. Alternatively, during discussion you and the Midwife may decide it’s time to come into hospital.
The Midwife will ask you about your health history, previous births (if any) and your current pregnancy health and concerns. The Midwife will ask how and where you feel your contractions, how often the contractions come and how long they last. This will help them to know how much your labour has progressed.
If there are strong signs of labour, such as your waters breaking, regular contractions or blood loss we ask you to contact the Birth Suite.
If you are not in labour or if the labour is not yet established, depending on your situation, it is generally better to stay at home.
You should contact the hospital irrespective if when your baby is due if you are experiencing any of the following:
- If you are concerned with the movements of your baby
- When you waters break of particular concern is green/yellow discolouration of the amniotic fluid – report this immediately to the Birth Suite
- When you are no longer comfortable at home
- If you have vaginal bleeding that is not mixed with mucous. Vaginal bleeding with lots of mucous is called a ‘show’ and is a sign that labour is progressing normally. You can also get a ‘show’ if you have had a vaginal examination during your admission
- Fever, chills or a temperature more than 37.80C
- Severe nausea and repeated vomiting
- Persistent headaches that won’t go away
- Blurred vision, or spots before your eyes
- You are concerned or anxious
- Sharp pains in the abdomen (with or without bleeding)
- Pain or burning when your pass urine
- Signs of labour before 37 weeks
- Sudden swelling of your face, hands, ankles or fingers
- Persistent itchy skin
- Exposure to rubella (German Measles) or Chicken Pox
- Any trauma such as assault, a car accident or a serious fall
Previous Medical Treatment
If you have been receiving treatment elsewhere – especially outside Australia – please be sure to advise your Obstetrician.