Credentialing Process
Doctors seeking accreditation at Westmead Private Hospital can obtain accreditation documentation by either:
- Phoning the Executive Assistant on 02 8837 9102
- Email Executive Assistant for paperwork - Click here
Please note that your application cannot be processed without the following:
- A covering letter specifying specific accreditation required e.g. temporary, one off or full accreditation
- Copy of current medical registration
- Copy of current medical indemnity insurance showing relevant specialty covered and expiry date
- Copy of CV
- Written references will be requested from the referees
Review of Credentialing Application
- Upon receiving your completed application, the application will be reviewed by the CEO of Westmead Private Hospital together with the Specialty Medical Advisory Committee Representative
- At this point temporary accreditation may be granted for a short period of time
- Supported applications are then referred to the Medical Advisory Credentialing Committee Meeting (held quarterly) for consideration
- Upon endorsement by the Medical Advisory Committee, the doctor’s names and details are referred to the Ramsay Board for ratification
- A letter confirming Accreditation at Westmead Private Hospital will then be forwarded to the doctor.
If you have any questions of require more information please do not hesitate to contact the CEO or Executive Assistant on 02 8837 9102